A training session on Decent Work and social-economic rights of youth was organized in Chisinau

On June 24–28 and July 1-5, 2013 a training session on Decent Work and social-economic rights of youth took place in Chisinau and gathered social-economic actors and representatives of civil society from Ungheni, Falesti, Calarasi and Causeni districts. The event was organized in the framework of the ”Decent work for YOUth – Improving the social-economic situation of young people in Moldova by empowering Moldovan youth and Moldovan Civil Society” project implemented by the Foundation CNV Internationaal, the “Faclia” Public Association for Children and Youth and the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova, with the financial support of the Delegation of the European Commission to the Republic of Moldova through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights.
The goal of the training session was to familiarize the social-economic agents and civil society organizations representatives with the term of Decent Work, the agenda for Decent Work and the social-economic rights of youth for further promotion of these.

During the training session the following subjects were discussed: social-economic rights, international labour standards, general parameters of community involvement in youth employment, Decent Work, the rights of employees and of employers, security at the work place, equality of chances at work, management of change, creation of efficient partnerships for promoting the Decent Work and social-economic rights etc.

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Petru Chiriac, Vice-President of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova: „The organization of training sessions on social-economic rights is extremely important, as only those informed can fully be aware of their rights and benefit from them. On the other hand, this training session opens doors for new perspectives in creating local social partnerships, which are an efficient mean for reaching common goals while promoting social-economic rights of young people at the community level.”

The 60 participants to the training come from various institutions and areas of activity, such as: specialists in youth issues from the local public administration, specialists from the Labour Force Employment Agency, trade union leaders from urban and rural areas, representatives of employers, associations of employers, as well as representatives of non-governmental organizations that work with young people and youth employment. As a result of this training session the participants understood the crucial need of a common agenda in the process of promotion of the Decent Work concept and of the social-economic rights of youth.

Lilia Malachi, Director of the “Prosperare” Social Assistance Center, Bocsa village, Falesti district, participant: „Such sessions are very useful for us, as they facilitate the exchange of experience between the representatives of various organizations, which, in their turn, contribute to the creation of a common vision and a complex approach to the issue of Decent Work and social-economic rights of youth.”

Rodica Batala, Trade Union Leader at the „Savciuc Mihail” gymnasium, Busila village, Ungheni district: „Through effective cooperation the non-governmental organizations, the representatives of the local public authorities, as well as the social-economic agents will consolidate their efforts for improving the social-economic situation of young people in Moldova. We will work together in order to put in practice the plan developed during the training session. It will focus on various activities such as: publication of articles in local newspapers, distribution of flyers, informational raffles, exhibitions of thematic pictures, seminars, round tables etc., which will aim at motivating youngsters to plead for decent work.”

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The participants to the training session intend to create a special network in order to promote Decent Work for youth, based on an action plan, focusing on specific needs of young people from the target-regions of the project.

Angela Ciocîrlan, President of the “Faclia” Public Association for Children and Youth, national project coordinator:„Following this training course, the participants will develop and implement plans aiming at promoting the Decent Work within their regions. Also, through the national network of the social-economic agents and representatives of civil society within Decent Work, the members of the network will share their experience and knowledge with each other.”