Training program: "Decent Work and the socio-economical rights fo the youth"

The training program in the field of Decent Work and the socio-economical rights of the youth is focused on familiarizing the representatives of the socio-economical actors (trade unions, patronages, specialists in the field of youth, employment, local public authorities) and representatives of civil society with the notion of Decent Work, the agenda for Decent Work, the socio-economical rights of the youth regarding the subsequent promotion of these rights.

Therefore, within the program there are approached several subjects related to the socio-economical rights and their practical implementation, the international labor right and international normative acts, the Agenda for Decent Work, the state of Moldova in regard to socio-economical rights and the international labor code, the methods of work with youngsters and increased awareness on the socio-economical rights, efficient partnerships for promoting Decent Work and socio-economical rights of the youth.

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Training program: "Socio-economical rights of the youth and social dialogue"

The program addressed youth, young members of trade unions, trade unions leaders, and approaches the following subjects:
- Trade unions – institution for protecting the rights and the interests of the employees, the role of the trade union leader within the trade union movement;
- The national and international frame regarding the regulation of the social partnership as a factor for promoting the rights and interests of the young employees;
- The role of the social dialogue for the development of society and the practical problems in conducting a social dialogue at the unit level;
- The gaps in legislation and the ways to overcome them efficiently;
- The juridical action and the effects of the collective contract and collective convention.

As a result of this program, the participants will have the following knowledge and skills:
- To know the socio-economical rights of the youth and situations when these rights are violated, and plead for respecting the socio-economical rights of the youth;
- To negotiate the legal rights and the interests, additional to the ones foreseen by the current labor legislation for youth;
- To apply the theoretical and practical knowledge when signing a contract and collective conventions, taking into account the necessity to promote the socio-economical interests of the youth;
- To perform the assessment of the situation regarding the rights of the youth at their workplace and to elaborate and apply practical solutions concerning the detected weaknesses;
- To offer consultations and practical advices to other members of the trade union regarding the legal frame of the social dialogue at different levels;
- To inform the youth about the advantages of the social dialogue and the legal requirements regarding its progress and implementation.

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Training program "Socio-economic rights of the youth in practice"

The program addresses young people, especially to those with basic juridical training, and is focused on the development of their abilities, so they would be able to react in cases of socio-economic rights violation when getting hired or at the work place.

The youngsters trained within the program are the Youth Advocates and they have the following abilities:
- Inform the young people from their region about their socio-economic rights;
- Offer answers to questions of the youngsters regarding socio-economic issues;
- Direct young people towards institutions authorized to intervene in specific cases;
- Facilitate the solving of conflicts, including via mediation;
- Propose solutions for different problems of socio-economic matter that young people face.