Training program: "Developing the personal and professional skills of the youth"
The program is addressed to the students of trade schools and colleges, graduates of gymnasiums and lyceums, so they can increase their chances for getting the job they dream of, by practical exercises of personal development, presentation and public speaking, knowledge and skills for defending their socio-economical rights.
The objectives of the program are:
- Familiarizing the participants with the concept of Decent Work: the access of young people to a productive work place with opportunities for a good income; the rights at the work place, especially taking into account the fundamental work standards, the systems of social protection and social dialogue;
- Raising the degree of awareness regarding the significance of developing personal and professional skills of the youth;
- Guiding in the search of a job, writing a CV, presentation at a job interview and negotiating abilities;
- Entrepreneurship at the local level and ways for starting a business, creativity and innovation.