Contest for selecting an expert/company to conduct the research / study „The gap between education and job demands of the Moldovan market”
- Creat la 07 August 2013
Project “Decent Work for Youth – improving the social-economic situation of the young people in Moldova
by empowering the youth and the civil society”. Contract number 2012/291-112
Contest for selecting an expert/company to conduct the research / study „The gap between education and job demands of the Moldovan market” launched by the Foundation CNV Internationaal, the Association for Children and Youth "Faclia" and the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova
1. Short description of the project „Decent work for YOUth - Improving the social economic situation of young people in Moldova by empowering Moldovan youth and Moldovan civil society”.
Overall objective
To contribute to the empowerment of Moldovan youth and Moldovan civil society so as to improve the social economic situation of young people in Moldova
Specific objectives
Civil society and socio-economic actors promote socio-economic rights for young people;
Young people can more easily find decent work;
Young people are motivated and able to represent themselves, and to actively participate, in Moldovan society;
Target group
Young people (including disabled) between 16 and 30 in the target regions;
Socio-economic actors and civil society organisations in the target countries;
Final beneficiaries
All young people in Moldova and all civil society organisations and socio-economic actors in Moldova
Estimated results
Social economic actors and civil society organisations have more incentive and increased capacities for promoting social and economic rights and decent work on local and national level (specifically for young people);
Moldovan youth have improved professional and personal skills that they will use to ensure their economic situation will improve;
Improved knowledge among young people about their socio-economic rights and commitment to emphasize them in society;
Main activities
Training programmes on socio-economic rights for all target groups;
Establishing network on Decent Work and cross-border network for youth with Transnistria;
Promoting socio-economic youth agenda;
Strengthening lobby/advocacy capacities socio-economic actors and CSOs;
Research used to develop trainings and establish advocacy strategies;
Training programme professional and personal skills for youth;
Career guidance programme;
Summer school youth and socio-economic actors;
Awareness raising;
Promoting socio-economic rights at schools
2. Specific context
Positioning youth in the labor market and resolving youth unemployment is of critical importance to the future of every society, and this is particularly true in Moldova. But if raging unemployment continues to be the main problem affecting the socio-economic prospects of Moldova’s youth, it is by no means the only problem. Of additional concern for young people are obstacles related to their entrance to the labor market due to the fact that they lack the specific skills requested on the labour market.
There is a clear gap between the education received by the youth and the demands of the market and in order to address this gap and to be able to develop a sound career guidance programme we need to gain more insight into this problem. Therefore the research will focus on exploring the dimensions and linkages between education (including career guidance, vocational training, and high education) and labour market demands in order to identify the key issues to be addressed for education to contribute to positive labour market outcomes.
The findings of the research will be used to develop the training programme on career guidance for young people, including specific information about market demands, education possibilities and advisory skills.
The study / research will be published and distributed to relevant stakeholders. It will also be available on the project website.
3. The research structure
The final study will be written in Romanian and English and will include the following components:
- Executive Summary;
- Introduction;
- Methodology;
- Analysis / the research itself;
- Recommendations for relevant stakeholders;
- Technical and analytical annexes.
4. Requirements to the applicants
- Demonstrable experience of at least 3 years in carrying out researches sucesfully in the field of youth employment / human resources;
- Previous experience in the analysis of the qualitative data and reporting;
- Deep knowledge in the field of youth employment, labor market, human resources (the CV will be included as part of the offer).
5. Selection Criteria
a) Quality of the offer
- Previous experience in conducting similar researches;
- Vision on the research;
- Comprehensive and well substantiated methodology;
- Professional, analytical, rational and innovative approach.
b) Reasonable budget
6. The offer budget and payment procedures
The budget of the offer will be in MDL and will not include VAT. Payments will be made in two installments. The first tranche of 25% of the total amount will be paid by bank transfer after submission and approval of the structure and methodology of the conducted study. The second tranche of 75% will be paid after reception and approval of the final research document within the given deadlines.
7. Presentation of the offer Technical offer will contain:
- Brief vision on the discussed subject;
- Preliminary Research Structure;
- Main methods to be applied in conducting the research, including the proposal of the qualitative / quantitative methodology and the argumentation of these methods;
- The CV of the expert and the list of the researches conducted in the relevant areas, including short description.
Financial offer:
The budget in MDL stating the number of working days required for the study/research.
The technical and financial offers will be drafted in Romanian and English and must be submitted no later than August 12, 2013, 17:00 to the Association for Children and Youth "Faclia" Ungheni, MD-3602, Lacului Str., 3 or by e-mail: faclia.ungheni @