Publication: The current situation in the field of socio-economic rights of young people (2013)
Statistics indicate that young people are the most vulnerable social group in terms of employment opportunities after graduating from educational institutions. Moreover, young people in rural areas encounter significant difficulties in finding a job, while the urban area provides access to more employment opportunities. Even the youth which succeed to be employed, their socio-economic rights are often violated. This negatively influences their willingness to become involved in the domestic economy, migration being the most common alternative for them.
The national legislation is not exhaustive; there are still many employees, especially young people, who are not protected by the law regarding the wages, the working time, the health and safety at work, etc. Nevertheless, the legal framework in Moldova has been significantly adjusted to international standards in recent years. In this respect, one of the most important commitments, besides ratifying a significant number of international conventions, is the Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP), the latest version being for 2012-2015. It focuses on a better governance of the labour market, the promotion of the decent work, the employment opportunities and a better system of social protection.
All these efforts at the level of policies and strategies in the field do not fully lead the expected effects yet. Young people in the four districts covered by the activities of the project "DECENT WORK FOR YOUNG PEOPLE -IMPROVING THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC SITUATION OF YOUTH IN MOLDOVA, BY EMPOWERING THEM AND THE CIVIL SOCIETY"- Ungheni, Falesti, Calarasi and Causeni rayons- report a number of difficulties they face in their relations with the employers. Some of these are violations of socio-economic rights of young people, the most serious being: proposals to be employed without a labour contract, additional work requests, political discrimination, the lack of a fair system of remuneration, etc.
Much of these difficulties are caused both by employers, especially those related to the creation of working conditions and the compliance with the law, and by young people. To the latter category refers specifically the understanding of the relation between the level of professional preparation and the employment opportunities.
A range of governmental initiatives, launched especially in recent years, offers prospects to improve the current situation by emphasizing the entrepreneurship development, the provision of incentives to employers for hiring youth, as well as the stimulation of migrant investments.
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