16 professionals from 4 regions of the country were prepared for giving career guidance to the adolescents
- Created on 26 February 2014
How do you identify your vocation? What is the profession that suits you best? How can you get a job? What are the rights of an employee? The answers to these questions were found by several professors and school psychologists, participants at a career guiding workshop held in Chisinau. In order to become career councilors, during three days they have been trained in how to guide youngsters choose the profession that represents them the best.
„We, the professors, are the ones that ought to guide the young generation towards a decent future. This goal can be reached if the pupils will be taught to make conscious decisions and be responsible for them.”, Natalia Munteanu, the interim director of the CCACT Falesti has said.
During the workshop, future career councilors have studied the expectations of a the modern employer, the labor legislations, as well as techniques for ensuring the success in communicating with the adolescents. Having big expectations and big plans, the 16 councilors are going to share their experience with approx. 160 graduates of gymnasiums and lyceums from 4 districts of the country: Ungheni, Calarasi, Falesti and Causeni.
”Career guidance is a field very little explored in the schools from Moldova and it is too little discussed with the adolescents. In March, together with the pupils I intend to have a 2 days training, in order to help them make a correct choice.” Maria Bob, civic education professor at the ”Mihai Eminescu” lyceum from Sipoteni, Calarasi, has stated.
”The knowledge and the experience obtained in the frame of the workshop will help me a lot in my activity. I intend to organize a theoretical-practical seminar within the district with civic education professors, where the aspects regarding the professional orientation of the pupils will be emphasized.” Nelea Potanga, civic education professor from the Tocuz gymnasium, Causeni, has declared.
The ”Career guidance for Youth” training workshop is a part of "Decent Work for young people - Improving the social-economic situation of the young people in Moldova by empowering the youth and the civil society" project, implemented by CNV International Foundation, The Netherlands, the Public Association for Children and Youth "Faclia" and the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova, the project being financially supported by the European Union.