The project "Decent Work" ended but it continues
- Created on 29 October 2014
240 young people developed their skills for getting a better job, 400 young individuals uncertain about their career have been helped to choose the right career, over 8000 people learned about the socio-economic rights of young people and how these rights can be protected. These are just a few of the numerous achievements presented on October 28, at Leogrand Hotel & Convention Centre, during the closing event of the project “Decent Work for YOUth - Improving the social economic situation of young people in Moldova by empowering Moldovan youth and Moldovan civil society”.
The project is the result of a unique initiative of institutional cooperation of 3 organisations: Foundation CNV Internationaal (part of CNV, Trade Unions in the Netherlands), the Association for Children and Youth “Faclia” and the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova. These organisations joined their efforts in order to contribute to empowerment of Moldovan youth so as to improve their socio-economic situation and to involve civil society in continuous promotion of socio-economic rights of young people.
Oleg Budza, President of CNSM: “Youth are the future of the country, but, at the same time, are the least protected category on the labor market. I firmly believe that “Decent work for YOUth” project has achieved its objective to improve the situation of young people and to ensure the guarantee of the labour rights and interests of the young generation and the Union Confederation will continue to contribute to any actions targeted to support them.”
During the event, the results of 2 years of work have been presented and also the 3 researches conducted within the project. Thus, in order to have a better understanding of the situation of young people on the labour market and to act in the appropriate directions, the following studies were necessary:
- "The discrepancies between education and labour market demand" identified the causes of the gap between education and labour market demand and offered recommendations for relevant stakeholders.
- "The state of the art in the area of socio-economic rights of young people" revealed aspects of the situation of youth, pointing the action directions in order to improve this situation.
- "Added value young people bring to companies" analysed the advantages of having young employees in the company and offered recommendations for potential employers and employees.
Karen Bouwsma, Program officer for East Europe, CNV Internationaal: "The coming five years will see 213 million new entrants worldwide into the labor market – 200 million of these in developing countries. The youth unemployment ratio in these countries is over 12%, nearly three times the figure for adults. Moldova is unfortunately no exception. This project proved that we can reduce rhetorics and to actually join hands with youth and socio economic stakeholders and to strive for sustainable changes improving the lives of young people!”
A project of such amplitude as “Decent Work for YOUth” cannot end without specific “products”, that will ensure its continuity. After completion of all project activities, the structures created within the project will continue to function and to ensure that socio-economic rights of young people are promoted.
1. ROST – the Network of organizations promoting and respecting socio-economic rights of young people in the Republic of Moldova. This national network will promote socio-economic inclusion of young people and will facilitate social dialogue through the created Youth Action Plan for 2014-2016. ROST created the Social and Economic Agenda for YOUth, a set of measures and requisitions meant to ensure socio-economic welfare of Moldovan youth.
2. Mobile Team will continue to promote socio-economic rights of young people. The volunteers trained within the project organise and conduct information activities for their peers.
3. Youth Advocates, lawyers aged 24-30 years, trained within the program „Socio-economic rights in practice”, react in case of violations of rights at when looking for a job or at the work place and plan to extend their services for youth.
Angela Ciocîrlan, Association for Children and Youth ”Faclia”: „This project is a good example of efficient dialogue between all stakeholders involved in the empowerment of Moldovan youth: young people, socio-economic actors, civil society organisations and public authorities. It is important that the dialogue initiated within the project continues and extends. We believe that the issues youth face at employment, specified in the Social and Economic Youth Agenda, will be solved step by step with the involvement of the ROST network, through advocacy activities and lobby campaigns.”
The project “Decent Work for YOUth - Improving the social economic situation of young people in Moldova by empowering Moldovan youth and Moldovan civil society” has been implemented with the financial support of the European Union through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights.