Advocacy activities for promoting the socio-economical rights of the youth


Between September 10th and September 11th 27 members of the ROST network (The Network of organizations promoting the social-economical rights of the youth), created within the "Decent Work for YOUth" project have gathered in a workshop.

The participants at the event have proposed solutions for the problems identified within the Socio-economical Agenda of the Youth, a tool elaborated as a part of the same project. The Socio-economical Agenda is addressed to the large public, to the decision makers, as well as to the young people that want to choose a profession or get advanced at their work place. The ROST network will promote this document at a regional level, will identify the role of the local and central authorities, will determine the range of services which can pe covered by each member organization of the network.  

As a result of the workshop, the participants have elaborated a Lobby and Advocacy Action Plan, which is contains the following objectives:

-       Modifying the curricula of the "Civic Education" class, by including a module focused on the socio-economical rights;

-       Modifying the curricula of the headmaster's class, by including a module focused on the socio-economical rights;

-       Introducing the "Socio-economical rights and social dialogue" module in the studies program of colleges and trade schools;

-       Modifying the competences of the National Employment Agency in the field of career orientation;

-       Providing tax relief regime for the businesses of the young people.

"Within the next step, for the 5 items of the Lobby and Advocacy Action Plan there will be framed up implementation strategies, with concrete and actions and deadlines. In these activities there will be involved civil society organizations socio-economical actors and youth from the 4 participating districts, which will organize lobby and advocacy campaigns, focused on respecting the socio-economical rights of the youth. As a result, the respect towards the socio-economical rights of the youth will increase, as a priority - the right of the young people with special needs. For the implementation of the Plan we will count on the support of the ROST members, of the National Confederation of the Trade Unions from Moldova, as well as on the decision makers - the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family, the Ministry of Finance", has declared Angela Ciocirlan, the president of the "Faclia" Public association for children and youth.

Lilia Malachi, director of the Social Assistance Center, professor of Romanian language at the Theoretical Lyceum "Deomid Gherman", Falesti district, Risipeni village: "Being a teacher, I have seen the difficulties with which young graduates deal with and which are their needs. They don't have enough information when looking for a job. Being also the director of the social assistance center, I have seen how many young people after getting a job, stayed there for a little while and then choose to leave abroad. They are not motivated, they don't know which are the advantages of legal working, because they don't know their rights and the advantages they can get if working legally. When they will now their rights and will know how to defend them, then they will be more sure about themselves and will be able to obtain a better job in better conditions. I consider that introducing the "Socio-economical rights of the youth" in the school curricula represents an important step for informing the youngsters, and, subsequently, for their better future."

Violeta Balic, professor of mathematics and IT studies, Theoretical Lyceum "Vasile Alecsandri" and Trade School from Calarasi, trade union member, Calarasi: "We have to inform youngsters about their rights and how to demand for them to be respected, to guide them towards a suitable profession for each of them. It is important that this aspect is discussed within headmaster classes, and that the Ministry of Education would offer considerable support in this matter - by adjusting the number of classes and the introducing the "Socio-economical rights" and "Career guidance" modules in the curricula."


Ana Climisina, psychologist, Theoretical Lyceum "A. Puskin", Ungheni: "It is important that the newly employed young people to be supported, by protecting their socio-economical rights, as well as by developing their entrepreneurship skills. As a psychologist, I can help children in their career guidance, as much as the time allocated for this and the materials I have allow me to do this. But there is also the need of an external support, for this children to be able to follow their professional career and to know where can they address when their socio-economical rights are violated."

This activity was implemented within the "Decent Work for young people - Improving the social-economic situation of the young people in Moldova by empowering the youth and the civil society" project, implemented by CNV International Foundation, the Public Association for Children and Youth "Faclia" and the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova, the project being financially supported by the European Union and the Ministry of Youth and Sports.