Case 7: “Waiter”
- Created on 21 January 2015
Having an experience of work in this position I. agreed to work with the payment in envelope in another food company from the town on the condition accepted by the employer to increase his salary after two months of activity, but not specifying which will be the % of salary growth. I. was recommended to this employer, which made the young man to believe that his previous experience will be a credible argument for a salary increase.
Currently I. is already working for 6 months with an insignificant increase to the salary only after the second month, the reason being that it is the summer season when most of the clients are on vacation and the company is not working on full capacity, and another reason of very large expenses that are supported by the employer for the extension of premises. I. doesn’t start the discussion about increasing the promised increase nor does he see other solutions to the situation in which he found himself.
Individual employment contract is a guarantee both for the employer and for the employee, by which the employee undertakes to perform work in a particular specialty, qualification or function, to respect the internal rules of the unit and the employer is obliged to ensure working conditions provided by the Labour Code, other normative documents containing norms of labour law, collective labour contract as well as to pay the integral salary on time. In the absence of the individual employment contract, the employee is not protected from the employer.
If your rights were violated at employment, if you were not offered a work contract, if you got only a part of your salary or you were fired without a reason, if you have opinions on how to improve the social-economic situation of youth in Moldova, write us here. All the ideas and proposals will be examined by the Project Advisory Committees within their ordinary sessions.
Find out here who are in the Consultative Council in your region and where and when they meet.
If you have questions regarding your work contract, salary conditions, aspects related to availability ant placement of the labour force, social assistance and allowance for mothers, protection of socially vulnerable categories, safety and security on the work place and other issues related to Decent Work and social-economic rights of youth, please access the following link The specialists from the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova will answer you in real time.