Case 5: ”Porter at a warehouse”

Father brought V. to a wholesale warehouse where he was working, to work as a porter. He was assigned to work in a warehouse with the other two workers, colleagues elder than he was. His colleagues urging him to learn the work more and more were leaving particular works, especially at the end of the day when they could not be supervised by bosses.

V. consciously worked for the same salary as colleagues. Moreover he was sent to buy beer for them during the lunch hours. Gradually V. began to fulfil some work for the other two colleagues. Telling his father about this he asked his colleagues to explain all this. Colleagues were able to convince his father that there was nothing seriously between them, but they managed to put V. in some humiliating conditions, following a scuffle between them. V. left the job after receiving his salary telling his chief about what happened. The chief did not stop him, nor did he seek to analyze or resolve the incident. 

According to the Labour Code, any discrimination, direct or indirect, of the employee based on sex, age, race, colour, ethnicity, religion, political option, social origin, home, disability, HIV/AIDS, trade union activity or membership and other criteria unrelated to his professional qualities, is prohibited. At the same time, employer obligations ensure respect for employees’ dignity at work.

If your rights were violated at employment, if you were not offered a work contract, if you got only a part of your salary or you were fired without a reason, if you have opinions on how to improve the social-economic situation of youth in Moldova, write us here. All the ideas and proposals will be examined by the Project Advisory Committees within their ordinary sessions.

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If you have questions regarding your work contract, salary conditions, aspects related to availability ant placement of the labour force, social assistance and allowance for mothers, protection of socially vulnerable categories, safety and security on the work place and other issues related to Decent Work and social-economic rights of youth, please access the following link The specialists from the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova will answer you in real time.