Result 3

Improved knowledge among young people about their social-economic rights and commitment to emphasize them in society

- Awareness raising on social-economic rights for young people
A national awareness raising campaign will be developed. It will include: a media campaign, mobile team work, information sessions at schools, information stands, visibility tools etc.

- Research on state of art
A research of the state of art will be conducted in order to have a good overview of the current state-of-art in the country when it comes to youth policies, youth laws, initiatives focussed on social-economic rights for young people, social-economic rights violations, actions taken by international organisations, ILO conventions adopted by the government of Moldova etc.

- Social-economic rights & social dialogue training programm
Social-economic rights and social dialogue training programme
A joint training programme will be developed by Civil Society Organizations and social-economic actors for young people focussing on social and economic rights and social dialogue. Strengthening their knowledge on these issues will help the youth to better advocate for their own social-economic rights. Furthermore, when they are better informed about their rights, they will be able to recognize violations of these rights, which will motivate them to emphasize their rights in society. Considering specific problems disabled youth are facing, a special module will be developed for them.
‘Social-economic rights in practice’ programme
The ‘Social and economic rights in practice’ programme will be developed for selecting participants to the training on social-economic rights. Well-qualified and highly motivated youth will join this special programme that allows the participants to get a more in-side view to what is being done in Moldova to ensure social-economic rights are defended, and what it means to people when social-economic rights are seriously violated. The programme will also include some study visits to companies. The participants will serve as ambassadors for the action and for the defence of social-economic rights. They will participate at the PAC and network meetings and will join activities organised by the mobile team in their own regions.

- Promotion of the social-economic rights at schools
Social-economic rights object in schools regular curriculum In order to increase awareness among youth that they are protected by social-economic rights and that these rights should be respected and defended it is important that all pupils learn about these rights at school. The inclusion of a course on social-economic rights in the regular curriculum for graduate students at all levels would provide a large incentive. Presentations in schools Short lessons about social-economic rights will be presented in schools to graduate students.

- Cross-border youth network with Transnistria
With Causeni region bordering the Transnistrian region will be established a cross border youth network focussing on social economic rights. All the activities conducted within the region of Causeni are meant also for the youth in Transnistria, especially from the bordering areas the city of Tighina and Tiraspol.
