Result 2
Moldovan youth have improved professional and personal skills that they will use to strengthen their economic situation
- Development of professional and personal skills training programme
Training programme
A joint training programme will be developed by Civil Society Organizations and social-economic actors focussing on the development of professional and personal skills for young people. Strengthening their skills will help the youth to better represent themselves while searching for a decent job. The proposed training topics are: “How to start a business”, “Writing a good CV”, “Presentation skills”, “Job interview training”, and a special module for disabled youth to increase their self-confidence. Based on the needs analysis the programme and training manual will be developed. Two 2-day trainings will be held in each region. Vocational training modules The young people who want to gain a profession will be advised to follow the available options, including the courses developed by the „Faclia” Public Association for Children and Youth within the “Fundatia Muncii” project. Thus, the youth in Ungheni and Calarasi have access to the vocational education training programs created by Faclia on various professions such as cook, bartender-waiter, seamstress, shop-assistant, hairdresser, masseur etc.
Career guidance programme
Research on the gap between education and job demands of the Moldovan market There is a clear gap between the education received by the youth and the demands of the market in Moldova. In order to gain more insight of this problem, and to be able to develop a sound career guidance programme more information is needed on this issue. Therefore a research will be done on the gap between education and labour market.
Career guidance sessions at schools/youth centres
Career guidance sessions will be provided by volunteers. To make sure the volunteers offer good advice to students and pupils, they will attend a 3-day training focused on market demands, education possibilities and advisory skills.
Career guidance training programme
Within this action, a career guidance programme will be developed and a 3-day training will be organized for young people in the 4 target regions. The trainings held in Causeni will be also attended by young people from Transnistria. The career guidance trainer will assist the participants in understanding themselves, including assessing their own achievements, abilities and interests; investigating education and work opportunities; evaluating the available options and decide upon the actions needed; implementing their plans for education and work.
- Summer school
In order to increase the leadership abilities of 40 people (young people and representatives of social-economic actors) from Ungheni, Calarasi, Falesti and Causeni a 4-day summer school will be organized in Ungheni. The trainings within the summer school will be focused on development of personal and community leadership skills. Coming back to their regions, the participants will share their knowledge and acquired skills to other community members, thus contributing to the dissemination of the training contents and promoting the importance of social-economic rights.