Result 1

Social-economic actors and civil society organisations have more incentive and increased capacities for promoting social and economic rights and decent work on local and national level (specifically for young people).

- Training programme on decent work/social-economic rights
This activity will imply first of all an assessment of training needs within the target group, in order to make sure that the training corresponds to the level of knowledge and abilities of the participants. The 5-day training programme will include, among others, modules on ‘Which are the social and economic rights and what do they mean in practice?’, ‘International labour rights and the Decent Work agenda’, ‘Social-economic rights in Moldova and international labour rights’ as well as a module on “How to reach Youth and create awareness on their social-economic rights” etc. A manual will be developed per each module and will include theory on the topic and home assignments.

- Network for promoting Decent Work
At the beginning of the project a national network for social-economic actors and civil society organizations will be created. It will specifically focus on the issue of Decent Work for youth. During the project multiple meetings of this network will be held for employers, trade unions and CSOs to discuss topics related to decent work (focus on youth, i.e. income package for youth, living wage, traineeships). Based on the input provided by the Project Advising Committees (PACs) the national network will initiate joint lobby initiatives focusing on the promotion of Decent Work for youth. The local partners and stakeholders will join this network.

- Promotion of the social-economic youth agenda
Media campaign
A media campaign will be developed and launched to promote the work of the mobile teams, the PACs, the trade union as well as the national network of social-economic actors related to the common agenda for social-economic rights of young people.

Mobile team
In order to promote social-economic rights among the young population of the 4 regions, and to support already existing initiatives, for example the work already done by CNSM (trade union) for young people, a mobile team consisting of 2 qualified young volunteers from each region will be created. This mobile team will develop and implement different activities for youth in the target regions. Also, a 2-day session will be organized for preparing a work plan and defining the activities that will be implemented by the mobile team in each of the 4 regions.

Experience sharing visit
An experience sharing visit will be organized by the CNV Youth union on ‘How to promote social-economic rights in an attractive way’. This study visit will be organized for a delegation consisting of representatives of the mobile team, National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) and Civil Society Organizations.

Youth activities
Based on the outcomes of the study visit and the feedback the mobile team receives on their activities, CNSM will strengthen the existent trade union services for youth of will develop new services focusing on gender related issues and disabled youth employment needs. These activities and services will be available in a youth friendly way and free of charge or for a low fee.

- Local social dialogue
Project Advisory Committees
For establishing a local social dialogue, Project Advisory Committees (PAC’s) will be set up in the 4 pilot regions. The local branches of project partners will be represented in the PACs. The PAC's will include political leaders of a region (for example the mayor), employers, youth, NGO's, local trade union, representatives from existing youth centres and creation centres as well as local branches of Moldovan National Employment Agency. These platforms will form the local backbone of the action finding ways to address the common social-economic youth agenda in the region. The PACs will be think tanks discussing local social-economic issues with a specific focus on the implications of recent developments in the situation of the local youth. Besides reinforcing the local capacities of social-economic actors the PAC's will be also involved in the monitoring of the project activities.

Assistance to young people
The PAC’s also offer assistance and advice to young people that have complaints or improvement ideas related to social-economic issues. Youth can submit their questions, complaints, remarks and advice to the PAC’s which will be discussed during the regular PAC meetings. Youth can also send their complaints or ideas on the site here and the PAC’s will discuss them and try to solve within their regular meetings. Youth will be given the opportunity to advocate for decent job opportunities. Last but not least the PAC’s will pay special attention to disabled youngsters and their opportunities and needs for a decent job.

- Lobby and advocacy of social-economic actors
Training on lobby and advocacy
In order to ensure that the social-economic actors in Moldova are able to effectively promote the social-economic rights of young people at the national and regional level, it is important that their representatives have strong lobby and advocacy skills. These representatives should be able to share experience with their colleagues from the organizations they work for. Therefore a 2-day training on lobby and advocacy will be organized, succeeded by a combined 2-day follow-up and a Training-of-Trainers.

Lobby strategy
The social-economic actors will be supported in the development and implementation of a joint lobby strategy focusing on issues related to social-economic rights and needs of youth (for example: living wage, education, facilities for young people, loans with low interest for starting business, tax free period for youth that established a business, special attention for gender related rights and unemployed young people with disabilities).

Research on added value young people bring to a company
There is a lack of research materials on the issue of social-economic rights for young people in Moldova. The project will develop a study on the added value that young people can bring to companies. The results of this study will be used in the national and regional lobby strategies for improving the social-economic situation of young people. Also, the study will be distributed to the employer’s organizations and other relevant stakeholders. In order to reach a large audience an executive summary of the research will be developed and disseminated among general public and youth.
